
Level up your time, productivity, and energy with my 40+ page, downloadable workbook, plus explore my favorite tools, websites, resources, and more!

Worksheet mockup showing some of Dr. Jessica Stern's resources, like a Productive Powerkit and Weekly Planner

The Productivity Powerkit

a workbook for ADHD and non-ADHD maximizers

Grab my science-based collection of worksheets aimed to help you increase your productivity in a healthy way (no toxic productivity here!) and reduce stress and overwhelm.

The workbook includes over 40 worksheets designed to help you master task management, time management, prioritization, organization, and overcoming obstacles, such as difficult thoughts and feelings and stress.

What’s Inside the Powerkit:

Each worksheet is designed to work with your unique workflow — come back to them as often as you need.

Worksheets can be used digitally on your computer or tablet or can be printed and used with pen or pencil.

  • Daily and weekly planner sheets

  • Financial organization trackers

  • SMART goals & values worksheets

  • Time estimation & energy matching tracker

  • Habit stacking planner and habit review tracker

  • Thought traps worksheet

  • And more!

Coming soon!

Online Courses

Stay tuned for upcoming courses on productivity, burnout, managing ADHD, and maximizing a high-achieving world with balance. You won't want to miss them!

My Go-to Tools & Resources


Content & Task Management System

Notion is an app (web-based and mobile app based) that acts as your second brain. With options to create and collect notes, set reminders, establish databases, and much much more, it can be used to streamline your personal and professional lives. Check out Notion AI for even more options.

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